Sunday, October 30, 2011

The first chess board

This is where all the chess boards started.  It is a very simple design made out of black cherry and basic hammered steel legs.  The board was designed and then cut out on a CNC router. I have always enjoyed chess even though I'm not very good at it.  For some reason the environment that a chess board can be intrigues me . The game is such a defined concept and layout, yet the physicality of the board and pieces are entirely free.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Coffee table

Mmm... Coffee. Such a great thing needs a place to sit silently, waiting for its moment.  This is a work in progress.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's something about the trees.  Whenever I lack answers that is where I start looking.  This was painted in ink and gouache over about a week or so.   

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bringing things up to date.

So this should bring everything for this clock up to date.  The shaping is coming along really well at this point.   In general each of the pieces of wood has closed in on its final resting place.  I find that the lines of the wood bring in a bit of order, but then is removed by the organic, almost growing nature of the metal.  At least that's the thought process behind this piece. Now it is just a matter of time and a lot of finishing.  This may be the last of the updates for this one for a while due to the fact that it is just details, details, details.  Which while interesting can get a bit monotonous to read about.  Such as hammer... hammer.  tap.. weld.  tap.. tap ... weld ... drink coffee.. hammer.. weld ... weld.  forceful bend... more coffee.  tap. tap.  hammer.. weld...  See what I mean.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Midsummer evolution

This, if I remember right, was about two or three weeks after the first picture.  I took the shape and taught it to stand, after about 3 or 4 hours of metal shaping. Yet, at this point there was still no back to any of the metal work and most likely there were a few stones or sticks holding the piece precariouly level.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Clock beginning

This is the start of a free form clock I am working on. From this point the is more than a few hours of metal and wood work. This post has come quite a while after the start of this project.  This specific piece was started in April of 2011